Monday, July 21, 2014

Flying again

 The loon.
 The heron

 New ducks
An Eagle!
Vacation was one to take lots of bird pictures.   We had rain just about half of the time that we were there but it was not a total wash out.  Weather was a little chillier than I like but that wasn't all that bad either.  So, I guess all and all vacation was a success!  I always miss the lake but it is very nice to get back to home and the normal day to day things that involve the farm.  I will have more lake pictures.

We got home and decided that the new turkeys had to have a pen, so that they could go outside and eat some of our grass and weeds down.  They are getting too big for the poultry house and needed to have a little more breathing room.  Maybe the chickens will get a new chicken yard also next weekend.

I will be catching up on gardening and weeding the garden.  I am also going to start going through the house and getting rid of junk that we don't need, and having a garage sale when I am done.  I will be stacking everything in the barn until I am done going through the house.   Of course, I will be trying to get the pond area done (which is going very slowly).  I will also be doing some weaving, if I can get away from the farm long enough.  I am also in the process of working with Sirocco and my fear of him.  I am going to do some riding on a different horse while Brian rides Sirocco and shows me how well Sirocco is coming along and that now is the time to work on my relationship with sirocco.

As you can see, the rest of my summer is going to be very busy!  What vacation........ I think I have already forgotten that I took one!

Have a great week.  Please click on the pictures and you will get a much better view!


Crystal said...

Summer always is a busy time, so much to fit in when the weather is nice. I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff too and am slowly doing so but it gets boring after a while.
Nice pics of birds, too bad about rain but at least it was a vacation so you are rested up to be busy

threecollie said...

Great shots! That second one of the heron from the side is spectacular. They are SO spooky!

kathy b said...

I needed to see some LOONS said...

Great pictures Lisa! Glad you had a good time at Pecks. We enjoyed our visits.

Terry and Linda said...

We do Not have any loons here. I love to play their songs on the wildlife internets just to hear them.


Far Side of Fifty said...

You are having a busy summer! Getting ready for a garage sale is lots of work. Enjoy some of your summer! Good to hear you are riding and one day it will be on your own horse:)