Monday, November 2, 2015


The family get together Saturday was a great success!  I love to see the hubbies family all together and enjoying themselves.  Thank you all for coming!  The hubby loves it when he gets to see his family all together.

We got to get the cobwebs out of the large BBQ grill for one last time this season.  The chicken and the pork was a huge success.  NO, I will not give out my recipe ;=)  The family keeps asking me for the recipe for my BBQ sauce, and rub but, just can't give it up yet.

Then we went out for a drink with the cousin's.  It was a very long day for us, but I liked going out with the cousin's.  We had a great time.

Hope you all have a great week.


Far Side of Fifty said...

The food on the grill looks fantastic! :)

Paintsmh said...

How about if you sell me a bottle of it? I love it, and well it is one of 2 sauces Jade will eat. I go bbq-less all year until you guys put together a dinner!

threecollie said...

Party was wonderful. You guys know how to do it right. Thanks!