Friday, December 28, 2012


The first two pictures are of a Blue Jay that I tried to photograph, but he was just a tad to fast for me to get a good picture.  The camera was taking its sweet time in focusing.  I did get a good picture of a Starling, but I really didn't think he deserved a place on the post; being as they are a very nuisance bird and was taking up all the feed from the small birds.

We did get around 11 inches of snow yesterday.  The hubby and I spent most of the morning snow blowing and shoveling out from the snow.   I needed to go to the chiropractor after all the shoveling.   I am out of shape from not doing much since I had my surgery on my arm. 

Just a few more days until the New Year and I told the hubby that I wanted to do something this year.  We are going to his cousins for the evening and taking the son so he can drive us home if need be.  That is one thing nice about having a son that has his drivers license and is to young to drink!  Designated driver!

Hope you all have a wonderful evening.


Terry and Linda said...

WOW! Look at that snow!!! Nothing like it here! I love your bird shot and your header!


Far Side of Fifty said...

You got now you are all winterwonderland like! When I photograph birds I focus the camera in the area that I think the bird will land..keep the shutter down half way and then wait for a bird to soon as they land I can snap the photo..try that. Have fun New Years Eve..we have been invited to the neighbors..but we don't drink..and if we do we could walk home:):)

Crystal said...

Looks like lots of work, we use the tractor to clear our snow, no sore muscles that way ;)