Tuesday, January 29, 2013

window scraping

Yes, that is ice.  I had a lovely time driving home last night in the bad weather.  Now tonight I have a class at the college and it has warmed up and with the snow still on the ground, it makes fog!  So I get to drive home at 8:25 tonight in the fog.  Lucky me!  Hope you all had a wonderful day.


Crystal said...

Oh I so am loving my auto starter on the truck, I haven't scraped ice off windows in years!!!!

Linda said...

It stormed here but the snow was of the dry and sharp variety.

threecollie said...

Ooh, Lisa, be careful, so nasty out there.

Terry and Linda said...

Oh, be very careful!!!


Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks to be a mess. I used to have your email address..I cannot locate it. email me captainconnie2001 at yahoo dot com and I will tell you all about the hot water lines from the furnace to the house:)

Shirley said...

It's no fun when there's that much ice. Be careful on the roads!