Saturday, March 9, 2013

Now you see it and now you don't

The top picture was on my way to school and the bottom one is on the way home from school.  It was a mess going to school, and it was no fun driving the car in it either.   I have to say though that front wheel drive isn't too bad in the snow!

It is going to be a very nice weekend.  Almost 50 by tomorrow!  Hope you are having a good weekend.  I am now on my way out to the barn to finally do some weaving.  I got all homework done during the week and now I can spend some time weaving.  Hopefully I will be posting some pictures soon.

Have a great day!


Far Side of Fifty said...

The sun gets more powerful everyday to melt the least it was only bad roads one way. Have fun weaving! Did you know you have word verification on?? :)

lisa said...

Yes, I know I put the word verification on because I was getting spam everyday that I blogged,