Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Well, today was spent running around doing appointments.  Found out that I have a cyst on the inside of my ear by the eardrum that needs to be taken out (Cholesteatoma).  Which means surgery, yay.  Then had to take the dog to the vet for a follow up.  Jake has a skin infection that is under the skin.  We have been giving him antibiotics and anti inflammatory for a couple of weeks now.  He needs to take them for another couple of weeks.   So, by the time the running was done it was after 4 this afternoon.  Then it was chore time and now it seems like I did not accomplish a darn thing!  I really hate spending my day running, when there is so much that needs to get done.  It was too, nice of a day to spend it in doctor offices!

Not much else is really going on here at the farm.  Sirocco is settling back in like he never left.  I did ground work with him tonight, not really enough time to do much else.  Sad face :-(   The chickens are laying 10 eggs a day, thank god for the farmer that loves fresh eggs!   We are getting ready to do our turkeys.  Yum, fresh turkey for Thanksgiving.  The farrier comes tomorrow, have to make sure that Annie is in her stall, she doesn't like to be caught, unless its me ;).  She is better than she used to be but she can still be very standoffish, if she has one of her days.

I have one of the best farriers, he calls me the night before he comes and if I can't be here; he will do the horses without me.

Have a great night.


Terry and Linda said...

Gosh, I hope your ear operation is scheduled and over quickly with very good results!


Shirley said...

Ow that has to hurt, even a little pimple in the ear is painful.
I've never had fresh turkey, only the mass produced type.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Fresh turkey without being frozen for months...how lucky are you...but then again you have an ear problem..I hope the surgery goes okay:)