Thursday, April 9, 2015

Newest Toy

The son and hubby picked up their newest toy a couple of weekends ago.  It is a six horse, international 1922, throttle, governed engine.  The other one they have running was a three horse.  It runs but the six horse needs work.  The guys are well on their way to having a new hobby for the summer.

I fly Saturday to Chicago.  I am so not looking forward to it.  I get motion sick.  I heard that ginger works real well for motion sickness.   I am going to give it a try, along with the Dramamine and chewing gum.  Good thing I will only be up in the plane for just a little over an hour!

I will be taking another hiatus off of blogging for a while.  I had good intention of keeping up with the blog.  I decided to leave the computer home.  Less stuff to carry on the plane, I will be posting on facebook for those of you who use facebook.  I can use the smart phone for that!  It takes pretty darn good pictures.

Hope you had a great day.


Mappy said...

We need to get the red toy working !!!!!

Mappy !!! said...

STUFFF !!!!! ED !!!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like they will have fun tinkering! Travel safely Lisa:)

Terry and Linda said...

Travel safely, Lisa!
