Monday, August 10, 2015

Another show

Well, it is another week toward the end of summer.  The last week has been beautiful.  We have gotten all our hay done for the year.  I did a lot of gardening, still have few things left to do.  We  went on vacation and by the time I made it back home my broccoli had flowered out, so I will buy some.  We didn't get sweet corn put out this year, so I will buy it and put it up.   Next year, we are postponing our vacation on the lake until the beginning to middle of august.  That way, hopefully we can have most of the gardening done and hay done.

I took today and didn't do much of anything.  Picked-up house, laundry, book work, did fair entries online etc.  Just the day to day things that need to get done, while the hubby is away and I can actually get it done.  Hope you have a great week.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Your flowers look so pretty! :)

Crystal said...

A day off is a good thing

Paintsmh said...

Can't wait to have you guys all at the fair!