Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I had bought the fabric to make pillows when I had saw some western style ones, I couldn't get conchos to put on them and had to use wooden buttons, but I was able to find some nice fringe to go with the fabric also. I didn't take a lot of time trying to make them perfect. I decided that my furniture needed some fancy pillows and have had the fabric now for at least a couple of years and finally with the hubby gone over the weekend and not seeing him until next weekend I had enough time on my hands to make them, finally and here you are. I didn't do to bad for being an amature ! Did I ever tell you that I hate to sew or at least I used too!

Hope you all have a good afternoon.
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gtyyup said...

You did a great job on the pillows Lisa...looks like you know what your're doin' at the sewing machine!! They sure look nice on the couch...really livens it up.

SouthernSass said...

I really like those pillows - I would have thought they came with the sofa if you had not told me!

Far Side of Fifty said...

They look good to me! I do not sew much either..so congrats on your accomplishment! :)

Islagringo said...

Good job on the pillows. Nice mixture of both masculine and feminine qualities to them. Sure to please the whole household! You can do just about anything you set your mind too, can't you.

Catching up on the rest of your posts, I decided that I should stop reading your blog until springtime up there. I get so cold just looking at the pictures. They are that good!

(I won't really stop reading. LOL!)

Anonymous said...

Man your handy! But them buttons will leave a mark on your face when you use them! :P

5 Starr's Farm said...

Great Job Lisa, I thought they were store bought till I read the story.

Kathryn said...

These are great! Look wonderful. I'm so impressed.

Crystal said...

Wow I really like those pillow, you indeed did a good job on them!

Paula said...

They're beautiful! For being an ametuer, you sure as heck did a good job!

lisa said...

Thank you all for the comments. Good thing you can't see them close up! ;) Just kidding. I think I did pretty good.

Unknown said...

I think you did a great job on the pillows! They match your style so well!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Very nice! You've got talent!
