Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Stills (sunset and sunrises)

Not one of my best shots of the sunrise, a little lazy to walk out past the trees to get a really good shot.
I think the sunset has always been my favorites!  Hope you all have  a great day.


Deb said...

Happy sunday Lisa,
Love your photos.......hope all is well in your neck of the woods.


bekahjane said...

oh what a gorgeous Sunday morning picture.

Terry and Linda said...

I love both the early start of the day and the soft endings. Your photos are very good.


Linda said...

The last one is my favorite. I love the sun peaking out and the contrails in the sky.

The Silver Age Sara said...

What a beautiful sunset photo! I love sunset too and can hardly wait for the harvest moons that might be coming our way. Thanks for joining the Purina challenge!