Monday, January 7, 2013


Well, first the hubby is on his way to Florida at the end of week, so far that is.  I am not looking forward to not seeing my husband for the next four, too five weeks!  I hate it when he is gone during the winter months!  So lets pray that we have no major snow storms until he is back home.  I was going to post an old picture of the Florida beach, from the last time that he was down there working, we went to see him and took lots of pictures.   He had to brag to us yesterday that he was going to be in 70 degree weather with only 50's at night.  I wanted to club him over the head!  Florida was OK to visit but I do not like their bugs, @$#%$%^^. 

As I was saying before I let myself get side tracked, I was going to post a picture, but for some reason blogger is not letting post pictures!  It doesn't even let me browse for a picture, so that I can post it.  I am beginning to think that I just might go over to word press and see how well that goes.  I might just have to change my blog over.  We shall see.  It has been over four days since I have been able to post a picture and that is why I have not posted.   I like to post pictures but I guess I won't be for a while.

Hope you all had a great weekend.


Crystal said...

I was gonna switch to wordpress but seemed really complicated for my little mind to figure out. I ran out of space for picture storage so I had to buy some from google, i think it was less than $5 and it is more than I could ever use so that is what I ended up doing.

I am tryin to talk the hubby into a place in Arizona but its complicated cause he dont want to and we have to find someone to do chores while we are gone, but oh to have warm weather in the winter would be wonderful!

threecollie said...

Same here with Wordpress. I actually ran a mirror of Northview on there for a while, but I just found it too hard to do. Sorry about Matt going south....and I am jealous of him. lol

Anonymous said...

When Linda helped me switch, I've never looked back. Not sure now why I did but I have been happy with Wordpress.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I find wordpress a bit difficult. I have a mirrored blog local on is different. I use Live Writer to write my works great and is a free download. Some other people were having found using Chrome or Firefox as a browser solved her problem.. The other I will paste for you here.

Mine did that as well.I went to the html at the top of were you write your blog.Click the picture button there added then switched back over to compose.Sounds hard but once you are there you'll see it and it's easy
Hope that helps:)
Florida sounds good to me..too bad you are in school..but maybe you can go for spring break!!!

Terry and Linda said...

Maybe you can go for spring much fun that would be.
