Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cold (a little bit)

Yesterday morning was just cold enough to make some wonderful frost on the weeds and twigs sticking up out of the snow.  After tonight, we will really have a reason to have frost,  We are going down to the single digits and with wind chill factors, -25 to -30 degrees.  Winter definitely is not done with us yet.

Saw the accountant today and we are well on the way to getting the taxes done for another year.

Not much else going on.  We stick pretty close to the house in the winter months.  I will be back out in the barn weaving again next week.  (that is if I don't go back to NJ)  So, needless to say, not a lot to report at the farm.

Hope you have a great evening.


Shirley said...

I love taking frost photos. We didn't get much of that here this year.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Not much frost this year here either, but we are sharing those cold wind chill temps today...-35 yuck. I took our taxes to the accountant yesterday. What a relief to get them there:)