Monday, August 3, 2015

People Pictures

Last of the pictures.  I had to post everyone that was on the trip.  The first one is of my sister and I.  Then the daughter and her boyfriend (the best one yet),  Then the son and daughter! (don't they look like they love each other), The nephew that tries not to get his picture taken. (I got lucky)   The last one was of the kids and I.   We all had a great time.  Hope you enjoyed the pictures.  Tomorrow will be something totally different.

We baled 140+ bales yesterday.  This week the hubby might be home and then the real work begins.  We have lots of wood to get chopped, split and stacked into the wood shed.  I have weaving to get done.  It will be a busy week.

Hope your Monday goes quick.  Have a great day.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Lovely background on the family. Nice to have a vacation and now its work time